Getting started


The project is hosted on GitHub. You can found it here. To install it, just clone the repo:

git clone

Then, in your code, include the main file and create a SimpleAR instance:

include 'SimpleAR/SimpleAR.php';

$cfg = new SimpleAR\Config();
$app = new SimpleAR($cfg);

And you're done!

Basic configuration.

You will need to set a database access, and you may also want to define your model folder(s) in order for the autoloader to load them. All general configuration like this is made through the Config instance passed to the SimpleAR object.

// All these values are required.
// You can optionally set a "charset" entry too.
$cfg->dsn = array(
    'driver'   => 'mysql',
    'host'     => 'localhost',
    'name'     => 'my_db',
    'user'     => 'username',
    'password' => 'I <3 SimpleAR'

// You can also set an array of directories to be checked by autoloader.
$cfg->modelDirectory = 'path/to/models/';

$app = new SimpleAR($cfg);

There are several configuration options available. You can refer to configuration section to find a list of all options.

Basic usage

Creating your models

Now that SimpleAR is installed and configured, we are able to create our models!

Let's create an Article model that represents... an article (on a blog, for example).

// Every model *must* extend SimpleAR\Model class.
class Article extends SimpleAR\Model

And it's done. You are able to manipulate your articles:

$articles = Article::all();

$article = Article::find(12);
$article->title = 'Good Stuff';

Since we did not give any information about our model (except the class name!), SimpleAR will make assumptions about the database structure:

  • Table name: If not set, table name is guessed from the model class name. The function to construct the table name is defined by classToTable configuration option. By default, it uses strtolower.
  • Model attributes: If not set, attributes will be fetched from database.
  • Primary key: If not set, primary key will be id. In fact, it will be array('id') since internally, SimpleAR uses arrays for primary keys.

You can of course explicitly give information about your models:

class Article extends SimpleAR\Model
    protected static $_tableName = 'articles';
    protected static $_primaryKey = 'id';
    protected static $_columns = array(

Manipulating model instances


There are several ways to insert new records in database:

// You can instanciate an object, fill attributes, and `save()` it:
$article = new Article();
$article->title = 'My Title';
$article->authorId = 12;
$article->save(); // Creates the new row.

// Or do it all at once:
$article = Article::create(['title' => 'My Title', 'authorId' => 12]);

Note: You can know if a model instance matches a row in DB by using `isConcrete()` method.


There are many possible way to retrieve data from DB. All of them will be discussed in another part; but we will see most used ways here:

You can use find methods:

$a = Article::findByPK(12); // Find Article with "id" == 12.
$a = Article::find(12); // Shortcut for above.
$articles = Article::findByPK([1, 2, 3]); // Fetch articles which
                                          // IDs are 1, 2 and 3.

Or you can use the query builder which allows you a very flexible syntax.

$a = Article::where('id', 12)->one();
$a = Article::where('title', 'like', 'My Title')->last();
$a = Article::where('author_id', [12, 15])->all();

I won't describe all builder methods here, there are dozens of them. But if you look at the method chaining, you will notice that the last method called actually fetch result from database.

Here are the currently existing methods of this kind:

  • one(): Fetch one record matching the query;
  • first(): Fetch the first found record;
  • last(): Fetch the last found record;
  • all(): Fetch all found records;
  • search($page, $number, $distinct = FALSE): Fetch $number records with an offset of "($page - 1) * $offset". You can disctinct result with third parameter.


Update a model instance:

$article = Article::find(12);
$article->title = 'Other Title';

You can update several attributes at once with set() method:

$article->set(['title' => 'A Title', 'author_id' => 14]);

SimpleAR intends to use method chaining. Thus, you are able to do the following:

    ->set(['title' => 'A Title'])


Delete a model instance:

$article = Article::find(12);

You also can remove from table without using a model instance:

// Remove all articles of author 12.
Article::remove(['author_id' => 12]);